Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2012


I think it was a good idea to write about a longer story than only the short articles from the newspaper. I learned to use the time forms in English.
The story of my book was really interesting, but I watched the film tree times before I wrote this blog. So I understood the meaning of the book really fast. My English isn’t as good as the one of other students, but I do my best to improve it.

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7. Characterization

Write about the relationship between two characters and how it is changing or developing. What are the characteristics of the relationship? What does work or not work. What is changing? How do they affect one other?

I am writing about the relationship between Laurie Saunders and David Collins. They have been a couple for a long time and are in the same class. They are very happy with each other. Every morning, David meets her behind her door. He first met her in the tenth grade. To know her, he sometimes ran into her. The relationship between them, I think is normal for young people. They love each other.
The Wave from Ben Ross changed this a bit. When Laurie spoke to her parents, she wasn’t as sure about it as before. When Ben spoke about The Wave, she didn’t agree. As a result Laurie and David had a little fight, because she wanted to break up the community. But David was very fascinated by the community. He thought Laurie didn’t like The Wave, because she wasn’t the most popular student of the class.  
At the end of the story, Laurie and David are a couple again like they were before the project of Ben Ross, because David understood that the project was a bad idea.

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6. Analysis

Are there any words you are unsure of? Write down the words. Then write down what you think they mean, guessing from the context. Then write down a dictionary meaning. Were these words essential to understand the story? Were you able to guess correctly?

At the beginning of this book, during the first and many following lessons, there was always the word nodded. I don’t understand this word. At first, I thought it means they are cleaning their noses with their fingers. So I searched on There it says that when you agree with something, you will move your head up and down. That’s nodding. I think it is very essential at the beginning.

Some pages later, there is another word I didn’t understand. I think it is a funny word, because it is the name of an important web page at the World Wide Web. That word is doodle. My first idea was that it has something to do with planning a trip. But told me I was wrong. It is when you are writing something only for yourself and you don’t write with your best handwriting, just playing around with your pen - then you are doodling. It isn’t so important to know this word, but I think it is a funny one.

My third word is mess. I heard this word in a song of the “Beasty Boys”, but I didn’t understand it. I thought it had something to do with bad things. And I wasn’t so far away. The real meaning of this word is, when you didn’t wash your hair two weeks, than they are looking messy. This word isn’t so essential for the story.

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