Donnerstag, 15. November 2012

2. Empathy

Write about something happening in the book that you can relate to. How did you react? Try to put yourself in the characters’ shoes and say why you think they feel the way they do.

At the beginning of this book, Benn Ross, the history teacher, taught the students about the Nazis during the Second World War. The students didn’t accept his statement that in other crises, the people would do the same as the Nazis.

I understand the teacher. The mind of humanity didn’t change. If you don’t have a job and no future, you believe a man who says he will change your live.
If I had the chance to do the same as Benn Ross did in this book, I would also do that. But you must also look at the bad side of this fanaticism. You must always have control over these children. I agree with Mr Ross. There are more positive things and the students loved to be a part of a hard community. Outsiders and people who don’t have many friends find a place to be. We see this nowadays as well; most people belonging to extreme groups want to be part of something, because they give them a place.

171 words

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